Prayer is one of the cornerstones of Peninsula Life Church.
We call it the engine room.
John Wesley said “God does nothing except in answer to prayer.”
Prayer meetings are held at 7pm Wednesday nights.
We also have a Prayer Ministry where we have dedicated people praying for your needs.
If you need prayer for anything, please feel free to contact us.
PLC Kids run each Sunday throughout the school term catering for children from birth to Grade 6.
At PLC kids we passionately believe in growing our children’s relationship with Christ.
We do this by gathering together during our Sunday services.
We enjoy singing songs learning bible stories and applying them to real life situations.
Join us this Sunday!
‘No Man Stands Alone’
The road of life is long.
We will together as brothers in Christ, supporting and encouraging each other without judgement or bias walk this road together, opening our hearts to the Holy Spirit to guide us, teach us, counsel us and to empower us to be the men of God that we were created to be.
To be leaders in our families, community, workplace and Church.
To fulfil the plan He has for our lives.
As women we need fellowship and time with other women. It is so important in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives to have the support and friendship of each other.
Over coffee women’s ministry get together every 8 weeks to meet, encourage and uplift each other, to do life together and be a family.
‘As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another’
Proverbs 27:17